
How To Open Camera Raw On Photoshop

2 Open A Raw or JPEG or TIFF into Camera Raw 1

*Updated Dec 2020*
I recently wrote an introduction to Photographic camera Raw in Photoshop, briefly outlining what Photographic camera Raw is, and what the raw file format is. In this follow-upwardly tutorial, nosotros'll accept a look at how to open images in Photographic camera Raw.

Nosotros can work with Raw, JPEG and TIFF files in Camera Raw. This gives us access to very powerful and rapid tools for prototype editing.

You can change annihilation from improving exposure to making color adjustments to converting your picture to Black and White. You lot can remove haze in your photos or acuminate a picture and so much more.

All of this with just a few clicks of the mouse and a elevate of a slider.

The all-time thing virtually using Camera Raw is that we can edit photographs non-destructively. The edits y'all brand are saved as a series of instructions.

The edits are non practical permanently to your photograph, so you can come back at any time to edit and re-edit your images.

Opening Files In The Photographic camera Raw Interface

Before we can do any of this cool editing though, we demand to go our paradigm files INTO Camera Raw.

You can open a raw file in Photoshop, in much the aforementioned way as you would open any other type of image file. The difference is, the raw file opens in the Camera Raw interface instead of the master Photoshop workspace.

If yous need it you tin can Download a Photoshop Free 7 Day Trial which includes Camera Raw.

How To Open Raw Files From The File Browser

To open a raw file from your Windows File Explorer, or Mac Finder, you can do any of the following:

  • Double-click the file's icon. If Photoshop isn't already open, your computer will launch it and and then open the Camera Raw window.

    In the example beneath, the .ORF files are raw files from my Olympus camera in the Windows File Explorer.

2 Open A Raw File into Camera Raw From Windows 1


  • Ctrl + Click (Mac) or Correct-Click (Windows) on the file and then cull Open With > Adobe Photoshop. This will open Photoshop if it's non already open and then open the Camera Raw window.

As Photographic camera Raw was originally made to procedure photos taken in raw format, if you double-click on a raw prototype on your calculator it SHOULD automatically launch Photoshop and open the prototype inside Camera Raw.

If the raw file doesn't open, check that you lot take the latest version of Camera Raw from Adobe'southward Creative Deject if you lot're using Photoshop CC. Or cheque the Adobe website for updates if you're using an older version of Photoshop.

How To Open Images in Camera Raw From Bridge

It's elementary to open Raw, JPEG and TIFF files from Adobe Span.

Hither are three different ways to get your photo from Bridge to Camera Raw:

  • Double-click a raw file thumbnail epitome in the Content panel. The image opens in Camera Raw.


  • Click in one case on any thumbnail paradigm of a Raw, JPEG or TIFF file, and so printing Ctrl + R (Windows) or Cmd + R (Mac).


  • Click once on any thumbnail image in the Content console and and then choose File > "Open in Camera Raw."
1 Open From Bridge To Camera Raw

How To Open JPEG or TIFF images in Camera Raw

You can open JPEG or TIFF files from Bridge (every bit mentioned above). Y'all can also open a JPEG or TIFF from Photoshop, straight into Camera Raw, by doing the following:

  • In Windows: From Photoshop's File menu, cull Open up Equally. Browse through your folders to detect the JPEG or TIFF image you want. Click on the file you're interested in, and so change the pop-up menu at the bottom right to Camera Raw, and so click Open.
  • On a Mac: From Photoshop'due south File menu, choose Open up. The Open dialog appears. Browse through your folders to find the JPEG or TIFF image y'all want. Click on the file y'all want. In the Format pop-up carte at the bottom it will say JPEG (or TIFF if you lot chose a TIFF file), now click on that carte, then choose Photographic camera Raw. And so click the Open button and your image will open in Camera Raw.
2 Open A JPEG or TIFF into Camera Raw

How to Make JPEGs and TIFFs Always Open In Camera Raw

If you'd like to ready up so that every time you open up a JPEG or TIFF, it opens straight in Photographic camera Raw, you lot can do that in the Photographic camera Raw preferences.

Note: This might be useful for photographers, simply I don't recommend information technology for designers. It could get pretty annoying if all your design files automatically opened in Camera Raw.

one. Go to Photoshop > Preferences > Camera Raw (Mac) or Edit > Preferences > Photographic camera Raw (Windows)

2. Click on the File Treatment section on the left-mitt side.

Under JPEG and TIFF Handling, set both JPEG and TIFF to Automatically Open All Supported JPEGs and Automatically Open all Supported TIFFs, respectively.

3. Click OK. Note that this change won't kick in until the next time you lot start Photoshop.

3 Camera Raw Preferences JPEG and TIFF

How To Open Multiple Files At A Time In Camera Raw Using Adobe Span

You can open multiple files in Camera Raw from Span. You tin can so use the same edits to multiple files simultaneously.

This can be really handy if yous accept a pile of images that were all taken in the same environment and crave the same sort of adjustments, such as creating more contrast or removing color casts.

To open multiple files from Bridge, into Photographic camera Raw, do the following:

1. In Span, open up the folder holding your photos.

2. Shift + Click all of the images y'all want.

iii. Cull File > Open up In Camera Raw.

4 Open Multiple Files From Camera Raw 900x389 1

Your images open in Camera Raw.

Observe the picture show strip of thumbnail images along the bottom.

5 Multiple Images Open In Camera Raw 900x546 1

How To Edit Multiple Images Simultaneously In Photographic camera Raw

1. Choose any photo to edit past simply clicking on the thumbnail. Or cull more than one photo by holding down Shift and clicking on the thumbnails of the pictures you want to edit.

In the example below, I selected all of the thumbnails, then applied a Blackness and White preset to catechumen them. All four images are converted to Black and White using the same settings simultaneously.

Nosotros'll talk nearly Camera Raw presets in a future tutorial.

6 Edit Multiple Images In Camera Raw 1

And that's how you can open images in Camera Raw in Photoshop.  At present you lot tin can start to accept fun editing your Raw, JPEG and TIFF files.

I hope you found this post helpful. Please share it. Thanks! 🙂

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